London escort loves me for who I am


Of all the people in the world there is only one person who can make me happy. A person who is always there for me to guide and help me in all of my problems. London escort is one of my happiness in life; because of her I have lots of achievements in life. Because of London escort I became who I am. London Escort is the one who shape me to become a better person. A lot of people mock me; belittle me, down me for so many times because of my disability. Many people see disability as a useless person, ugly and not worthy. London escort proved to me that physical appearance is not just the basis of love. London escort from gives hope to people like me that we can do better in life. London escort is my strength in my life, every time I feel weak and little, it was her I get my strength. It was with London escort i am calm and feel good. it was with London escort I am not afraid to try again in life. London escort is the one who help me in all of the hardships I went through to people. London escort is the one who never leave me when I feel so alone. When I was young I had nobody except my mom. According to my mom my dad left us because of too much responsibility. My dad hated my illness because I have to go back and forth to hospital and costs them a lot of money. My dad found a woman that has good standing in life. He save himself by leaving us. I can still my dad’s name every time he was aired on TV since he owns a big company. He has now a new family and I can see how much he love and cared for them. He just forgot us like we never existed in his life. it was hard for me to  accept everything. I can’t help but feel bad about everything that happened to us. For so many years it was only mom who stood me to everyone. She works hard for me to send me to school. Even in school people there bullied me, every day of my life becomes a nightmare. So many years I graduated from college, but I pursued being a painter. At first I am afraid to show my work to everyone but when I met London escort she exposed it to the public. London escort told me that she was very amazed of my work and it must be shown to the world. Since that posting of London escort in social media it become viral and a lot of people inquires me. I am overwhelmed of how many people appreciate my work that for so many years I never felt it. London escort and I continue the communication, until to the point that we fall in love to each other and have a relationship. We build each other to be a better version of ourselves.

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