Compare single vs in a relationship for fun

Me and my fellow escort from Brixton Escorts of want to compare single vs in a relationship for fun and we just thought it would be really funny to do a single vs. relationship…

Hopefully, it will be relatable.

better about being in a relationship. being in a relationship is lots of sex, but regular sex. But also, in my defense, better sex because if you’re in a relationship, you have more time to get to know what each other like.

I do agree with the better sex comes from like being with the same person over and over again but you can have mind-blowingly good sex just one-off. The regular sex thing, however, it just depends on your attitude toward sex. So when you’re single, that doesn’t mean that you’re having no sex. You could be having anything between zero sex and sex like four times a day when you’re single.

Like there’s actually no rules. One of my favorite things about being single is freedom. It’s like just the freedom to not have to constantly check in with someone like where you are, who you’re hanging out with.

Like I moved to London recently. I don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or anything, so I’m just like, fuck it, I can just move. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t potentially mean you can’t make spontaneous decisions and also you, like, you can have the support of someone when you’re making those decisions. And, you know…

You know, and so as an adult you’ll always have someone there for you.

Something else that does come into it, like cuddling and spooning, like the really lovey side of things, and I know that if you are single, you maybe don’t want that.

Maybe that’s the reason why you are single cause your affection.

But obviously, for me it’s a very big thing. Like I love cuddles and affection so much. You can’t just have days where you lie about with your boyfriend in bed and you watch films and you cuddle and you kiss and it’s all very revoltingly cute.

Okay, my counterpoint to that is something that I’ve actually spoken about with a lot of friends and I talk about this a lot is that I do that with my mates, and cuddle and kiss in bed?

I will cuddle, spoon, and like be physically affectionate with my friends and like spend like a day in bed, one of the reasons why I don’t feel like that I’m pining after a relationship is because other than the like sexually physical part, everything else like the sense of belonging, the physical affection, just someone fun to hang out with and all of that sort of stuff, I get that from my mates. I get all of that like that love and that respect and all of that from my friends.

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