Are London Escorts Busier in the Summer?

I am often asked if we have peaks and troughs at London escorts? When I first started, I did not think that working for London escorts would mean that I would have highs and lows. However, that is not true. Depending on what kind of London escorts agency that you work for, you will find that you will have some highs and lows throughout the year. When I worked for a cheap London escorts agency in east London from, I was always busy in the winter time. Now that I work for an elite London escorts agency, I am busier in the summertime.


So, do London escorts take holidays? Of course, London escorts take holidays. Just like in any other profession, it is important to take regular breaks. Girls who join London escorts often find themselves becoming addicted to escorting and start to work all the hours that they can. I did the same when I first became involved, But, I hit burn out and had to take a year out. Working the night shift all of the time is tough on you and you need to give your body a chance to rest.


I have been working for London escorts for some time now, and it is during winter I like to take a break. It is rather a good time to get out of London. The weather is gray and dull and I hate that. It can make me feel rather stressed and depressed, so I pack my bags and head for sunnier climates. My favorite holiday spot is Florida. I was really into traveling to the Caribbean, but then I discovered Miami when I was on holiday with a bunch of girls from our London escorts.


Now, a whole bunch of us girls take a couple of weeks off and travel out to Miami. I don’t think that any of the girls from our particular London escorts agency treats her holiday like a busman’s holiday, but I have heard of London escorts that do so. They take the chance to do a little bit of escorting when they are on holiday. I am not into that at all. Even though I do sometimes have a month off, I would not do any extra work when I am away from home. That would defeat the purpose of having a holiday.


Florida is not the only location I travel to throughout the year. I also like to take breaks in the UK. When I take UK breaks, I like to go to spas. It helps me to stay in shape for London escorts and I have a lot of fun at the same time. If you are a single woman, taking a spa break is a really good way to get away from it all. You are safe and you can enjoy some great treatments. Women are more into spa breaks than men. I am not sure that any of my boyfriends would really get turned on by spa breaks,  so I always go on my own.

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